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A patented system for continuous electricity production for acceptable, aesthetic, ecological and economical energy autonomy.

decouvairte eole eolienne xavier coulon
xavier coulon - the inventor


Discover the story of the inventor of Éolia, Xavier Coulon, and how the idea for this revolutionary invention was born: an innovative system for quasi-continuous energy production, combining wind and solar energy sources.


The invention

Three different, independent and complementary forces are the basis of my concept.

decouvairte eole eolienne xavier coulon
decouvairte eole eolienne xavier coulon
the steps

Digitization, manufacturing,...

Each phase of our project is carefully planned and executed with cutting-edge digital technology to maximize our efficiency and impact.

what people say


“An ambitious and innovative project in the hands of an enthusiast, this new patented concept of electricity production deserves to be listened to attentively because it could well provide a thoughtful and ecological solution to the energy problems we encounter. »
“This innovation differentiates itself from other solutions that use renewable energies by its completely new concept of continuous electricity production and hydrogen production with surplus unconsumed electricity. »
“This innovation seems to take an optimized advantage of several renewable energies, added to the production of hydrogen, with an efficiency difficult to achieve otherwise, while limiting the disadvantages of more usual solutions. A very nice idea like “those who think differently” can have, worthy of the famous Lépine Competition. A big congratulations!!! »
Jean Marc
“The innovation stands out for its rather low/medium tech approach with energy production, multi-sourced, decentralized and almost permanent/autonomous. However, finalizing industrialization quickly is necessary followed by open source for multi-site production. Congratulations on this innovation, which can already significantly improve production and energy efficiency. I hope that with the help of TFTP you can further improve it to achieve a universal solution. Thank you for your proposal”
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decouvairte eole eolienne xavier coulon