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The story



With initial mathematical and technical training and then a business school, Xavier Coulon was in charge of managing the family business for eighteen years.

A new professional direction motivated by the realization of a childhood dream: “to become an airplane pilot”. It was in 1994 in Canada that Xavier Coulon obtained his multi-engine commercial pilot licenses.

At the beginning of 2000, he created an airline near Ottawa “DécouvAIRte-Aviation” and became a Canadian citizen in 2008, the same day that the Minister of Transport of Canada, Lawrence Cannon inaugurated his flight school.

He served as Senior Responsible Manager there, as well as training student pilots, until the sale of his company and his return to France in 2012.

decouvairte eole eolienne xavier coulon

How did you come up with the idea for DécouvAIRte-Éole?

The premises of my airline DécouvAIRte-Aviation were adjacent to a large hangar for aircraft.

Often completing my courses with a visit to this hangar, I move from theory to practice. What also did my five instructor pilots that I employed as well as the chief pilot.

One day, this hangar was invaded by technicians who were building an inflatable prototype. With curiosity helping, I learned that this device would support an electrical energy production system.

Even if the financial means seemed very important, I could not see in my mind how their “machine” worked. But why do they do it like that? I only had this thought in mind.

This is the genesis of my concept, starting from an idea that seemed false to me and which very quickly demonstrated it.

Since my return to France in 2012, I have been working on my invention.

In 2017, I filed a patent application with the INPI and in 2018, a PCT “international protection”. The publications were made at the beginning of November 2018. The patent was issued on 08/10/2021.

For the INPI, my invention is recognized as “a technical solution to a technical problem, it is new and involves an inventive activity and is capable of industrial application”.

Observations, curiosity, knowledge of the mechanics of flight, reflections and a mind with a certainly innate inventive activity, allowed me to follow through with my idea, as well as a lot of perseverance, determination and will.

I am a designer, and not a researcher, even if I see that my invention answers the big questions that wind power poses, but also the questions it raises.

-Xavier COULON

An innovative system for quasi-continuous energy production, combining wind and solar power.



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Some numbers

+ 1
scanning tests
patent filed with the INPI in May 2017

Preamble of the S.A.S DécouvAIRte-Éole

The founders of this company share the idea that energy must serve man and protect his environment.

They also share the idea of ​​helping and supporting people with genetic diseases. With this in mind, they created the company to ensure :

1) The development of renewable energies by using and optimally promoting the wind and solar patent carried by the founder of the company.

2) The integration through work of people suffering from genetic diseases, by putting in place all the necessary and adapted means for their well-being.

This preamble is an integral part of the statutes. In the event of a dispute over the interpretation of statutory clauses, the common will of the parties, as indicated therein, must prevail over their interpretation.
This stated, the undersigned have established the statutes of the company.

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